School Education in Mysuru

The city of Mysuru has many schools for education to all. Very good school education is available for all levels starting from pre-primary to secondary and senior secondary level. You can find here schools affiliated with Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) as well as Central Board of Secondary Education and CISCE etc. School education is available for every age group needs. Also there are many schools run by government and private agencies for training of adult people. A list of some top schools in Mysuru is given here.

Acharya Vidya Kula
Address: Acharyashrama, 9, Temple Road, Yelwala, Mysore, Hunsur Rd, Main Campus- Lingadevara Koppalu, Jayalakshmipuram, Mysuru, Karnataka 570012

JSS Public School
Address: SJCE campus, Campus Roads, University Of Mysore Campus, Mysuru, Mysuru, Mysuru, Karnataka 570006

Baden Powell Public School
Address: Sri Jayachamarajendra Scouts & Guides Bhava, K.G Koppal, Kajjihundi, Mysuru, Karnataka 570005

Special School AIISH, Mysore
Address: Manasa Gangothiri, Mysuru, Karnataka 570006

Government Primary School
Address: 3rd Main Rd, Jayanagar, Kuvempu Nagara, Mysuru, Karnataka 570020

Christ Public School
Address: BEML Layout, Bogadi, Post, Mysuru, Karnataka 570026

Capitol Public School , Mysuru
Address: No 2899, Pampapathi Rd, behind Law Courts, K.G Koppal, Saraswathipuram, Mysuru, Karnataka 570009

St Joseph's Central School
Address: Mysore, Hunsur Rd, near Bramhakumari Ashram, Yelawala, Karnataka 571130

Podar International School
Address: Krishik Sarvodaya Foundation, No CA25, General K.S.Thimmaiah Road, Vijaynagar II Stage, Mysuru, Karnataka 570017

Royale Concorde International School
Address: Bogadi Stage II, North Extension, Mysuru, Karnataka 570026

The list given here is tentative in nature. For admission enquiry and to find schools in Mysuru for all age group go to our network’s sites:

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